Please note that from the 2nd September 2024 we relocated to two new premises. You are welcome to book follow-up appointments online - or you can of course always give us a call during our opening hours Monday to Friday between 8am and 7pm. Some Craniosacral Treatments & Sports Massage appointments are available to book ahead for Saturdays mornings, please call reception during opening hours Monday to Friday to book.

If it is a year or more since your last appointment - or if you are New to Southcote - then please call us on 01622 661883, so we allocate the appropriate appointment for you. Counselling and some reflexology appointments require booking over the phone.

Be aware of our online cancellation policy as described in your original intake form.


Chiropractors treat a wide variety of conditions, including back, neck or joint pain and conditions arising from a sports injury. They also treat headaches caused by neck problems, as well as helping patients with migraine prevention. There is no typical chiropractic patient. Those seeking help and advice include both young and older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant w... Read More

Chiropractors treat a wide variety of conditions, including back, neck or joint pain and conditions arising from a sports injury.
They also treat headaches caused by neck problems, as well as helping patients with migraine prevention.
There is no typical chiropractic patient.
Those seeking help and advice include both young and older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and people who do sport.
Treatment by a chiropractor involves manipulation - very precise handling or movement - of the spine or joints to remedy the problem. A chiropractor may also give you advice on exercise, self-help, diet and lifestyle. Some may also offer rehabilitation programmes.

Paediatric Chiropractic (6-16)

Chiropractic and Osteopathy may assist your child as they grow into teenagers and adults.
We take pride in making sure that they develop in a functional stable way by offering assessments of their posture and movement.
We are of course happy to help with any injuries they may have through growing up and suggest that children have regular check ups too.


Osteopaths treat a wide variety of conditions, including back, neck or joint pain and conditions arising from a sports injury. They also treat headaches caused by neck problems, as well as helping patients with migraine prevention. There is no typical osteopathic patient. Those seeking help and advice include both young and older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women... Read More

Osteopaths treat a wide variety of conditions, including back, neck or joint pain and conditions arising from a sports injury.
They also treat headaches caused by neck problems, as well as helping patients with migraine prevention.
There is no typical osteopathic patient.
Those seeking help and advice include both young and older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and people who do sport.
Treatment by an osteopath involves manipulation - very precise handling or movement - of the spine or joints to remedy the problem. An osteopath may also give you advice on exercise, self-help, diet and lifestyle. Some may also offer rehabilitation programmes.

Paediatric Osteopathy (0-5)

Rachel has a special interest in treating children of all ages, in particular babies and younger children. Osteopathy might be able to help with Tongue tie, Reflux, Feeding issues, Unsettled babies, Sleeping issues, Effects of difficult birth, Torticollis and Head preference. If you would like to discuss if osteopathy is suitable for your baby or child, please call on 01622 661883 to ... Read More

Rachel has a special interest in treating children of all ages, in particular babies and younger children. Osteopathy might be able to help with
Tongue tie, Reflux, Feeding issues, Unsettled babies, Sleeping issues, Effects of difficult birth, Torticollis and Head preference.

If you would like to discuss if osteopathy is suitable for your baby or child, please call on 01622 661883 to arrange a complimentary 15 minute phone or in-person consultation.

Q: What ages do I treat?
A: From newborn upwards.

Q: Will it be uncomfortable for my baby?
A: Baby and child osteopathy is very gentle, and if there is any sign the baby is unhappy I stop or adjust my techniques. As the parent you are in control, and I will be guided by you.

Q: What does a neonatal check involved?
A: I will take a full history of the pregnancy and delivery; including a thorough examination including reflexes, feet and hip position, and head shape. If needed I also assess the tongue.

Q: Will my baby or child need to get undressed?
A: For the initial session it is preferable to be able to see the babies body (nappies are kept on). However, some babies don’t like being without clothes, so after the initial observation clothes can be put back on to make your baby feel more settled. Young children tend to not want to undress so we work on an individual basis, again as the parent you are in charge.

Paediatric Osteopathy (6-16)

Rachel offers a comprehensive clinic where children will be well looked after. Rachel has 2 children herself and understands the importance of a well functioning child and embraces the fact that a little help functionally will assist in furthering their opportunities. Aches and pains and headaches in children are common but NOT normal. Have your child checked. Learning difficulties sometimes... Read More

Rachel offers a comprehensive clinic where children will be well looked after. Rachel has 2 children herself and understands the importance of a well functioning child and embraces the fact that a little help functionally will assist in furthering their opportunities.
Aches and pains and headaches in children are common but NOT normal. Have your child checked.
Learning difficulties sometimes is due to basic milestones having not been achieved.
If you would like to discuss if osteopathy is suitable for your child, please call on 01622 661883 to arrange a complimentary 15 minute phone or in-person consultation.
Any questions you have regarding your child’s heath, Rachel will be happy to have a chat.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a therapeutic modality in itself but also supports the work done by chiropractors and osteopaths as well as assisting in keeping you well exercising at Energise
It is a specialised and focused treatment of the soft tissue aspects of any condition.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy was developed through Osteopathy and is informed by anatomy and physiology and works on the principle that given the right conditions the body has the potential to heal itself from physical and emotional trauma. The right conditions facilitated by the therapist who, through a light hands-on touch, tunes into the nervous system creating a safe, supportive, trusting and non-j... Read More

Craniosacral Therapy was developed through Osteopathy and is informed by anatomy and physiology and works on the principle that given the right conditions the body has the potential to heal itself from physical and emotional trauma. The right conditions facilitated by the therapist who, through a light hands-on touch, tunes into the nervous system creating a safe, supportive, trusting and non-judgemental environment for the system to identify, process and re-balance towards a state of optimal health.

Clients often seek craniosacral Therapy for complaints such as back pain, jaw pain, headaches and migraines, digestive issues, disrupted sleep, low self confidence and self esteem, a feeling of overwhelm, PTSD and more.
It's a WHOLE-listic approach to health.


Facial or Foot Reflexology Treatment may complement the treatment and advice given in Southcote Proactive Healthcare and Energise but also stands on its own as a non-invasive, calming, balancing therapy that may bring relief to a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. As such it is suitable for all ages.


Reiki is a Japanese energy healing method, its roots stretch to more than 2000 years but it was made accesible and popular by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. The world we live in is pure energy, everything that exist is energy, as proven by Quantum Physics. This energy nourishes and maintain all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted, there is balance and harmony within... Read More

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing method, its roots stretch to more than 2000 years but it was made accesible and popular by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century.
The world we live in is pure energy, everything that exist is energy, as proven by Quantum Physics. This energy nourishes and maintain all living things.
When this energy flows uninterrupted, there is balance and harmony within, therefore a sence of well being. It is understood that when this flow is interrupted, Reiki can help restore balance on many levels( emotional, spiritual, mental and physical) .
There are no known contraindications to Reiki.

Research has shown suggested benefits for pre and post surgery, mental health, fatigue and anxiety. Currently some hospitals on the NHS offer Reiki as an alternative therapy for many conditions and employ a full time Reiki practitioner.

What to expect in a treatment?
The first thing a client experiences is relaxation, which is the natural state of the human body.
A client remains fully clothed at all times and lies on a couch or sits straight on a chair and relaxes.
Usually there is a practitioner who places his/her hands non intrusively on or over the body. There is no massage or manipulation involved. It is also possible to receive Reiki at a distance.
Reiki practitioners are not trained to diagnose, therefore no diagnosis or prognosis should be given by any practitioner.
During treatment, clients may experience feelings of cold or heat, tingling, however the major benefit reported by clients is deep relaxation promoting a sense of calmness, peacefulness and wellbeing on all levels.


Poor health can affect our mental state and our mental state can affect our health.
We often overlook this fact and focus on treating our symptoms, not always taking time to consider the underlying causes.

Online Nutrition Consultation

Nutrishion is based on helping young women in their 30ties with their busy and sometimes hard managed times with their GUT issues. If you are one of them, a new mum or you may have had a few children already and you struggle to fit healthy habits into your schedule, I am here for you. You may feel like the world is falling on you, always tired, with heartburn, brain fog, food intolerances, cr... Read More

Nutrishion is based on helping young women in their 30ties with their busy and sometimes hard managed times with their GUT issues. If you are one of them, a new mum or you may have had a few children already and you struggle to fit healthy habits into your schedule, I am here for you. You may feel like the world is falling on you, always tired, with heartburn, brain fog, food intolerances, cramps, skin rashes….I am here to listen and help . However; even if you are not in your 30ties just yet or have passed this stage already but you feeling need of help, do not hesitate to contact me. I am here for anyone who need help.
Do not forget that a healthy gut is very important, for your immune system, for your mood and your skin, hair and nails. Come and get to know your body with me.


Medical Herbalist

Western Herbal Consultations and Women's wellbeing consultations

Western Herbal Medicine, Jikiden Reiki, Women’s Wellbeing and Complementary Therapies.

Western Herbal Medicine, Jikiden Reiki, Women’s Wellbeing and Complementary Therapies. Read More

All my life I have wanted to help people, and in 2018 after being diagnosed with invasive Breast Cancer I was gifted a reflexology treatment and my life hasn’t been the same since. I couldn’t understand how someone touching my feet could have such a profound impact on me both physically and mentally. At the end of my cancer treatment I spent a month in India doing a ‘Panchakarma’ an intense detox for the mind body and soul, fueling my desire to understand the intricacies of the body further. Since then I have qualified in Hand and Feet reflexology and Indian Head Massage.

This has had an immeasurable impact on my family. I am a single mother to two girls. Lauren is 9 and Isabella is 7. Lauren is old enough to remember the chemotherapy and has bouts of anxiety and Isabella is awaiting assessment for autism, she has violent outbursts and is resistant to touch. Since receiving regular reflexology Lauren sleeps without nightmares and Bella is able to calm more quickly and has fewer outbursts.

All my life I have wanted to help people, and in 2018 after being diagnosed with invasive Breast ... Read More

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